- 금호아트홀 ( KUMHO ART HALL ) http://yskh.yonsei.ac.kr/
- 기계공학 ( Mechanical engineering ) https://me.yonsei.ac.kr/me/index.do
- 기록관 https://archives.yonsei.ac.kr/
- 김대중도서관(국문) ( Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library and Museum ) http://www.kdjlibrary.org
- 나노과학기술연구소 ( Nano Science and Technology Research Institute ) https://sechuna92.wixsite.com/nanoscience
- 나노의학연구단 ( Center for Nanomedicine ) https://ibs.yonsei.ac.kr/
- 노동조합 ( Labor Union ) http://labor.yonsei.ac.kr/
- 노어노문학과 ( Department of Russian Language and Literature ) https://rus.yonsei.ac.kr
- 대기과학과 ( Department of Atmospheric Sciences ) https://atmos.yonsei.ac.kr
- 대외협력처 ( Office of External Affairs and Development ) http://fund.yonsei.ac.kr/