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History of Yonsei

  • First Founding

    First Founding(1885~1956)

    First Founding(1885~1956)

    History of Yonsei University starts on April 10th, 1885, from Korea’s first modernized hospital ‘Gwanghyewon.’ 2 weeks after opening, Gwanghyewon changed its name to ‘Chejungwon,’ named by the King Kojong. Gwanghyewon was established by a medical missionary named Allen. Prior to opening, missionary Underwood visited Korea, assisting Chejungwon’s medical businesses while starting works in education and missionary works.. These two men’s businesses based at Chejungwon has become current-day Yonsei’s foundation.
    Since then, the medical sector has developed to Severance Medical College, Severance Hospital, and Severance Medical School, and the education sector grew into Yonhi University after Underwood School, Gyeongsin School, and Yonhi College. Yonhi and Severance worked for independence and modernization of Korea while under Japanese occupation and at times of crises. They also took responsibility of universities for establishing democracy and modern society after the Korean War.

    1. 1885.04.10 GwangHyewon, Korea’s first western hospital is
      established as a royal medical institution.
      한국최초의 서양식 병원인 광혜원이 왕립병원으로 개원

      1. GwangHyewon, the beginning of Yonsei Medical School
      and the first modern medical institution
      2. Dr. Horace Newton Allen, The founder of GwangHyeWon

    2. 1899.04 Chejungwon, the first formal medical school ,
      with Dr.Avison as the first head of institution
      한국최초의 서양식 병원인 광혜원이 왕립병원으로 개원

      1. Dr. Oliver R. Avison, the founder of Severence Hospital.

    3. 1904.09.03 Severence Hospital reconstructed through a donation
      from Mr.L.H Severence.
      한국최초의 서양식 병원인 광혜원이 왕립병원으로 개원

      1. Severence Hospital

    4. 1915.03.05 Chosen Christian College opened in Y.M.C.A,
      First Principal Won, Do Woo, Vice-Principal Avison.
      한국최초의 서양식 병원인 광혜원이 왕립병원으로 개원

      1. Commemorative photograph on the founding day of
      Chosen Chirstian College(1915)

    5. 1942.06 Severence Medical School forced to re-name
      the institution to ‘Asahi Medical School’.
    6. 1942.08.17 The Japanese confiscated Yonhi College as
      enemy property and the first Japanese
      principal was appointed.
      언더우드 동상 수난

      1. Ordeal of the Underwood Statue
      - The Japanese forcefullly extortd the Underwood Statue
      and built  "興亞紀念塔"

    7. 1944.04 Yonhi College forced to re-name the institution to
      ‘Gyeong Seong College of Administration.
    8. 1946.08 Yonhi officially recognized as a university,
      with four colleges and 11 departments.
    9. 1955.03.23 Yonhi College and Severence Medical School
      to form a collegiate union.
  • Second Founding
  • Third Founding