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[INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS] Finland’s Aalto University, “Yonsei Boasts Excellent Facilities”

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

On May 24th, 6 visitors from Finnish university, Aalto University, attentively listened to a presentation on the management of Yonsei University campus at Stimson Hall. The first to present was Kim Ki-seok from the Department of Planning. He gave an introduction to the general spatial layout of the school. The following presentation was given by Ryu Pil-ho, Director of Office of Property Management, about the management and planning of the respective facilities in Sinchon, Incheon and Wonju campuses. Most notably, he emphasized Yonsei’s eco-friendly facilities introducing the newly constructed POSCO Green Building in Incheon International campus as an exemplary model. Facilities demonstrating state-of-the-art technology at Severance Hospital were also introduced by Shin Young-kuk, Director of Property Administration Office, and also through a tour of the hospital. Finland, a small but powerful country, visited Korea to see the facilities at Yonsei, Korea’s most prestigious private university. The aim was to observe and benchmark the facilities at Yonsei. This is a reflection of Yonsei’s growth in international stature. The visitors were particularly impressed by the facilities at Yonsei-Samsung Library. Finland, an IT powerhouse, home to the well-known brand such as Nokia, expressed amazement at Korea’s IT facilities. Satu Kankaala of Aalto University praised the library saying, “The LED dashboard system which allows users to access e-books at the touch of a finger is commendable.” Kari Kontturi, another visitor, said that “Aalto University is planning on rebuilding its old university library to the one that is filled with new IT technology like Yonsei-Samsung Library.” In addition to the 2-hour presentation, the visitors from Aalto University were given a tour around the main campus as well as Severance Hospital.