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[YONSEI NEWS] Baekyang-ro’s Transformation: Pedestrian-centered Space for Connection and Communication

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

The Baekyang-ro Re-creation Project The Baekyang-ro, a symbolic area of Yonsei, is changing. The Baekyang-ro Re-creation Project will provide an eco-friendly and pedestrian-centered area on the ground level and expand parking space and cultural welfare space in the underground. For a long time, the area had many problems regarding the congested traffic of both pedestrians and cars, and the debasing effect of obsolete landscaping facilities on the university’s image. In order to embody the ‘car-free Baekyang-ro’ campaign and produce more space for parking and cultural welfare, the Baekyang-ro Re-creation Project is to be taken up after being suspended in 2008. The project has been recently reviewed and will restart in either late 2012 or early 2013, aiming to complete in 2015 for Yonsei’s 130th anniversary.