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[GLOBAL LOUNGE] One Program, Triple Experiences

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

One Program, Triple Experiences
Goal to Become Human Rights Activist and Professor
American student Latazia Carter was born in Nashville, Tennessee. Growing up, she became interested in Korean language and culture after watching several Korean television dramas online. As a student at Georgetown University, her faculty advisor recommended that she minor in Korean; ultimately, this decision led her to Yonsei and the Three-Campus Comparative East Asian Studies Program.
The Three-Campus Program enables students to study at Yonsei, Japan’s Keio University, and Hong Kong University over the course of a single year. As an exchange student in the program, Latazia was part of a cohort that gained valuable cultural experiences and knowledge in three different East Asian countries. Currently, she is attending the summer term at Hong Kong University and interning for an event planning company.
Latazia said that she has made many friends this year as she traveled through East Asia with her fellow Three-Campus students. An avid dancer, she joined Yonsei’s street dance club Harie to meet other Korean students while in Seoul. Latazia is active in social justice programs at Georgetown, so while at Yonsei she volunteered with Justice for North Korea and Report Center for North Korean Refugees, local NGOs that assist in resettling North Korean refugees. With these organizations, she served as an English tutor and proofread English documents, among other duties. When she returns to the U.S., she would like to start an organization to help North Korean refugees at Georgetown. Her ultimate goal is to become a professor and human rights activist, continuing her refugee assistance activities and teaching students about international human rights.
On a future visit to Korea, she would like to explore more of the country, taking in such cities as Busan and Jeonju, and make more Korean friends.