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Yonsei News

[ABOUT YONSEI] Convergence Research and Education

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Frans Johansson’s book The Medici Effect argues that the most groundbreaking and innovative ideas often occur when concepts from one field are brought to bear on a new, unfamiliar one. With its first-rate human resources and facilities, and its commitment to world-class convergence research and education, Yonsei is well-equipped to create such synergistic “Medici Effects.”

The Institute of Convergence Science (ICONS)
The Hub of Yonsei Convergence Research

The Institute of Convergence Science (ICONS) emphasizes three main strategies: vitalizing convergence science networks, promoting world-class research exchanges for convergence science, and developing new convergence science research areas. As such, ICONS has established networks with a number of convergence science institutes from around the world, sponsored symposia and conferences on new research themes, and ensured open access to researchers.

Yonsei Institute of Convergence Technology and School of Integrated Technology

The Yonsei Institute of Convergence Technology (ICT) and the College of Engineering cooperate to run the undergraduate School of Integrated Technology (SIT) on the Yonsei International Campus (YIC) in Songdo. By “organically” integrating convergence technology research and undergraduate education, SIT’s curriculum aims to educate internationally-minded engineers capable of integrating a variety of technologies, including information technology (IT), nanotechnology, biotechnology, energy technology, and environmental technology. And believing that engineers should strive in their work to improve the quality of life, SIT’s educational program also emphasizes the humanities, social sciences, and art and design.

Underwood International College (UIC)
Integrated Education Programs at YIC

In 2012, UIC established its Asian Studies Division (ASD) and Techno-Art Division (TAD) at the YIC in Songdo. In March of this year, the Integrated Social Sciences Division (ISSD) and Integrated Science and Engineering Division (ISED) were launched, also at the Songdo campus.

College of Medicine Integrates Research and Education

The Yonsei College of Medicine and Severance Hospital jointly supervise the curricula for medical and pharmacy students in order to ensure a productive integrated research and education environment. This is complemented by the health system’s cutting-edge facilities and various research centers, which promote and support excellence in research, teaching, and learning. For example, there are medical engineering classrooms, a dental and medical equipment testing and evaluation center, and a clinical testing center; in addition to their pedagogical function, all of these are used to develop integrated convergence technologies designed to enhance medical research and improve medical equipment and treatment methods.