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Yonsei News

[INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS] Yonseians, the Global Leaders

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Certification of English Language Ability for Freshmen The university college announced on January 8 that it will commence the certification system for freshmen entering Yonsei from this year. The certification was one of the election pledges made by University President Kim Han-joon in 2008. All freshmen are now required to take a test and register for courses according to their test results. The test is composed of speaking and writing parts. Freshmen entering spring semester have to take the test in February and ones entering fall semester have to take it in August. The chance to take the test is provided only one time. The test is free of charge. Following the standard of CEF (Common European Framework), freshmen can apply courses in 4 levels. Student in Waiver level are top 15% level, and exempted from ‘Advanced University English’ course. The next 25% are categorized as High-level, and take the ‘Advanced University English’ course. The next 50% of students are Mid-level and take ‘University English’ and the rest take ‘Safety Net’ program to receive special education. The certification also has four levels, ‘High Honors’, ‘Honors’, ‘Advanced’ and ‘Fulfillment of Graduation Requirements’. The certification is also marked on transcript after graduation. The test can be substituted with other tests such as TOEFL IBT and IELTS. The dean of University College Kim Young-sae said that the certification will facilitate ability for Yonsei students to become global leaders at the same time improve courses to process and task-centered education.