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[YONSEI NEWS] Yonseians Help Haiti

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Severance Hospital-KFHI Medical Aid Sent to Haiti Yonseians showed their deep concern over the catastrophe in Haiti. On January 22, emergency medical aid team of Yonsei’s Severance Hospital and KFHI (Korea Food for the Hungry International) left to Haiti. The team arrived at Santo Domingo airport and went to Haiti. The team was led by Professor Kim Dong-soo from Severance Children’s Hospital and provided medical aid for one week. The team first started their mission in Haiti Community Hospital, and later moved to 2-3 locations affected seriously by the earthquake, focusing on preventing secondhand injuries and damages while at the same time providing first aids. Professor Kim who had been in the tsunami affected area in Indonesia in 2004 said in the interview before his departure, “We heard that the situation is worse than any other disaster areas due to the instable security and aftershocks” and “We will do our best to save as many people as possible.” During their visit, it was impossible for the team to have a rest since there were patients from all age groups. In extreme situations where one had to even use flashlights for medical operation, Professor Moon Eun-soo (orthopedics), Kim Won-ok (anesthesiology), Park Kyoung-ho (surgery), nurse Kim Kyung-ah and medical reporter Lee Jin-han (Donga Ilbo) successfully finished a big operation where they removed tissue from mutilated knee. Professor Chae Yun-tae (the Division of Infective Diseases) said, “I do not know how many patients I received. I think I went through countless patients.” Professor Park Gwang-sik (Division of Family Medicine) said, “I examined an old woman who lost all her family members, and it was so heartbreaking.” While leading the team, Professor Kim Don-soo examined injured childrens from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M.