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[YONSEI NEWS] Holistic Education 1: “Ai Sarang/ A-Woo Sarang”

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

—Delivering A-Woo Dolls to Severance Children’s Hospital

Holistic Education courses are a key component of the Residential College (RC) program at the Yonsei International Campus (YIC) in Songdo, offering freshmen opportunities to learn leadership skills through community service.  One particular course, Holistic Education 1: “Ai Sarang / A-Woo Sarang” (Care for Younger Siblings), has students engage in community service by making clothes and dolls for newborn babies. Professor Nah Jung-eun directs the students, and during the fall semester, fifty-seven dolls were made, which were delivered to Severance Children’s Hospital on December 5.  “Ai Sarang” students also participate in the “Sarang Baht Campaign,” which makes infant clothing for single and unmarried mothers. Here, many of the students learn to sew for the first time while gaining invaluable experience contributing to those in need.

Created in March 2013, the “Ai Sarang” Holistic Education 1 course is affiliated with UNICEF, which is dedicated to improving the well-being of children throughout the world.  Initially, the Yonsei students sent the dolls directly to UNICEF; however, beginning with the fall semester of 2013, UNICEF requested that the dolls be donated to Severance Children’s Hospital. Speaking of her experience, one of the “Ai Sarang” students said: “It was great to meet the children patients in the hospital and see how the dolls were being used. I would like to relay the value of this experience to next year’s freshmen, so that they might also take part.” A hospital caregiver, who provided snacks for the Yonsei freshmen, added: “The children are really happy to receive the dolls. This is a great solace for them.”