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[YONSEI NEWS] It’s Time to Communicate in SNS!

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

—Yonsei Launches Official Facebook Page, Blog, and Youtube Channel

 On July 23, the official Yonsei University Facebook page went live, and the beginning of August saw the launch of Yonsei’s official blog Y’s and Youtube channel.  Although there have been unofficial Yonsei pages and channels for several years, these forays into social media, led by the Office of Public Relations (PR), are the first officially-sanctioned ones.

Because so many people now communicate and get their news through digital platforms, the PR Office created these social media sites as a means to effectively deliver news and information to students and alumni who have come of age in the digital generation.  Yonsei students, parents, faculty and staff, as well as more than 300,000 alumni, will now be able to access Yonsei news on their smartphones.

Blog: http://blog.naver.com/yonseiblog

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ysuniversity

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ysuniversity

The Y’s design is intended to show the connection between Korea and Yonsei University, with the curved red and blue lines meant to evoke the Taegeuk (yin-yang) symbol that composes the center of the South Korean flag. The design thus harmonizes the beauty of Korea and the elegance of Yonsei, while reflecting the university’s global aspirations. The “Y,” with its two branches merging into a single trunk, is also meant to symbolize a complete human being, one who bridges East and West, past and future, humanities and science.  At the same time, “Y’s” can be a homonym of “wise” and “whys,” which is indicative of the belief that wisdom can only be attained by virtue of intellectual curiosity, persistent inquiry and interrogation.     

Yonsei hopes its new ventures into social media will provide all Yonseians user-friendly platforms for sharing information and discussing their ideas and beliefs.