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[YONSEI NEWS] “Leadership is acquired with effort"

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Kwon Yul, Winner on CBS Television Show "Survivor," Gives Special Lecture at Yonsei "Everyone has the ability to become a better leader. We must develop our abilities to make the world a better place." Kwon Yul, winner of the CBS reality show "Survivor" which aired in 2006 in the United States, said during the Asan-Yonsei leadership lecture held on the October 5th, "I believe everyone is given the opportunity and ability to live an extraordinary life." Kwon, who graduated from Stanford University and Yale Law School, is so far the only Asian American to win in the "Survivor" program. He was once the Deputy Chief of the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and is currently a television host. As a second-generation South Korean immigrant, Kwon experienced some hardships as a "stranger" in the American society. In his lecture titled "The American Society that I Experienced and My Dreams," Kwon said, "While being raised by my parents who immigrated to the US in 1970, I experienced a great deal of ethnic discrimination." "At the time that I was born in 1975, only 1.5% of Americans were of Asian ethnicity and, of that 1.5%, only 10% were Koreans," said Kwon. He added, "As a child, I experienced a lot of discrimination because I was an ethnic minority and my appearance differed from Caucasians." Although Kwon excelled in studies, socializing was a challenge given his introverted personality. Kwon confessed, "I was an outcast at school to the point where I showed obsessive-compulsive behaviors like washing my hands twenty tims a day until they started to bleed." Kwon started to change after graduating from middle school when he heard about the suicide of a friend of his sibling. Kwon said, "I realized I could go the same way, so I purposely became more socially active, and this eventually changed my personality." Kwon said he worked especially hard to break the so-called "Bamboo ceiling," which refers to Asian Americans not being recognized as leaders even though they are capable. He said he agreed to be on the show "Survivor," to test my social and leadership skills and also help change the image of Koreans." Kwon said, "Even someone like myself who used to be extremely shy overcame difficulties and has become what I am today" and that "Leadership is an acquired skill and anyone can become a good leader with effort."