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[YONSEI NEWS] Plagiarism Detection

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Plagiarism Scanning System Starting from 2011 spring, professors at Yonsei will have access to a plagiarism scanning system that automatically demonstrates the degree of suspected plagiarism in a student’s essay or paper. This system built on the YSCEC network shows the percentage of suspected plagiarism and the original document. The plagiarism results are based on a YSCEC database composed of 900 thousand student papers collected over the past 10 years; and a percentage over 70% is considered blatant plagiarism. Although major universities in Korea have struggled to prevent the spread of intentional plagiarism, The plagiarism scanning system at Yonsei gears to stop and prevent plagiarism most efficiently. Due to copyright matters, the database of this system on YSCEC does not contain papers sold online; but the vast database is expected to include some occurrences of such online plagiarism. An official at the Education Development Support Center stated that since 60% of the undergraduate courses employ YSCEC, the plagiarism system is highly expected to stop students from committing plagiarism.