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[YONSEI NEWS] Strengthening the International Yonsei Network

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

President Jung Chang-Young and Delegation Visit the United States On October 10, University President Jung Chang-Young and the deans of the College of Music, the College of Nursing, Underwood International College, the Office of External Affairs and Development, and the Office of International Affairs visited Atlanta and Los Angeles for a six-day tour of the U.S.A. On the itinerary were Emory University, University of California Merced, the headquarters of UOEAP (University-wide Office of the Education Abroad Program), and the University of Southern California. In addition to reinforcing international cooperation and exchange efforts with these universities, the delegation attended the College of Nursing Alumni Association of USA reunion, Yonsei University Alumni Association of USA convention, and the Yonsei International Foundation board of directors meeting to strengthen the international Yonsei network. Dual Degree Program with Emory University Cooperation and Exchange Agreements with UC Merced and USC On October 10, the Yonsei presidential delegation visited the Global Health Institute and School of Nursing at Emory University to discuss areas of cooperation between Yonsei and Emory. In the evening, they attended a dinner party hosted by Director Holli Semetko of the Emory University Office of International Affairs. The next day, they visited the Office of International Affairs, the Office of Admissions, the Carter Center, and the Schwartz Center. Later that day, President Jung met with Emory University President James W. Wagner and agreed upon a Dual Degree Program between Underwood International College of Yonsei and Emory University. The delegation flew to LA on October 12 and met with Chancellor Kang Sung-Mo of UC Merced to discuss exchange programs and collaborative research. In the afternoon, President Jung visited President Stephen B. Sample of the USC, and the two universities agreed to sign an MOU to strengthen their relationship. In the meeting, President Jung also explained Yonsei’s plans for the Yonsei Songdo Global Academic Complex and suggested that USC participate in the project. The 2nd International Yonseian Festival Yonseians of the US Come Together College of Nursing Reunion, Southern California Yonsei Choir Concert, Alumni Association of USA Convention The 2nd International Yonseian Festival was a gathering of Yonsei alumni of the U.S. and Korea in which they shared their love and pride for Yonsei. Members of 16 district alumni associations in the U.S. and alumni representatives from all across the world came to meet President Jung Chang-Young and the deans of Yonsei University. 1,000 Yonseians gathered to participate in this festival. In the gathering, President Jung explained Yonsei’s globalization projects: “Our goal is to become a fully globalized university like USC, where over 10 percent of the students are international students. Also, the Yonsei Songdo Global Academic Complex, which will open in 2010, is expected to strongly establish Yonsei’s status as a global institution.” The President also thanked the Yonsei alumni, pointing out that “Yonsei’s growth lies on the foundation of our Yonsei alumni, who are spreading the proud name of Yonsei worldwide.” On October 12, the College of Nursing Reunion was held at the Wilshire Plaza Hotel, where alumni from Canada, Korea, and as far as Germany gathered for the festivities. On the same day, the LA Mission Conference was convened at the LA Dong San Church, followed by the Southern California Yonsei Choir Concert at the Wilshire Ebeil Theater. This year’s concert was graced by a special performance by internationally acclaimed pianist Lee Kyung-Sook, Dean of the College of Music. On October 13, the 2nd Yonsei US Open Golf Championship teed off at Riverside Oak Quarry Golf Course, and the day’s events continued with a visit of the Yonsei presidential delegation to the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Alumni Association convention, a health seminar by Dr. Hwang Soo-Kwan, and a Yonseian concert. During the Yonsei University Alumni Association of USA Convention, alum Jang Ki-Kwan (College of Law) was elected as the president for 2008, and alum Han Woo-seong (French Lang. & Lit.), a reporter with New America Media, was awarded the “Proud Yonseian” award. The Festival concluded on October 14 with a meeting of the US District Alumni Association presidents and the Yonsei International Foundation board of directors meeting at Oxford Palace Hotel. Commenting on the visit, President Jung expressed satisfaction, saying, “I was able to reaffirm the love and concern of our alumni, as well as build strong relationships with Emory University, UC Merced, and USC. What we have achieved here will propel us further toward our goal of becoming a highly competitive international institution.”