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[YONSEI NEWS] Yonsei Trains Global Christian Leaders

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

Yonsei Trains Global Christian Leaders
-Global Institute of Theology Welcoming Ceremony
On March 15, the Global Institute of Theology (GIT) held its welcoming ceremony for new incoming students in the Christine Chapel on the Yonsei International Campus. GIT is celebrating the second anniversary of its founding, and its aim is to train future Christian leaders from all over the world. This year, GIT is welcoming seventeen new students from ten different countries; in all, there are currently thirty-five students representing fourteen countries at GIT.
At the ceremony, Reverend Lee Young-hoon gave a sermon titled “Only Jesus.” In it, he emphasized South Korea’s role in recruiting and training international Christian leaders who will have a meaningful impact in their home countries after graduation. Rev. Lee also stressed the importance of missionary service. He concluded by saying: “We are gathered here thanks to Jesus Christ, to learn and disseminate the Lord's words regarding truth and liberty.”
After Rev. Lee’s sermon, Director Yoo Young-kwon gave an address on GIT’s curriculum and vision, highlighting the importance of global theology. He also expressed his gratitude to the university and the churches that support GIT. Following Director Yoo, Professor Darrell Guder from Princeton Theological Seminary spoke to the students, congratulating them on their admission. Professor Guder is currently a visiting scholar at GIT.
One of the new students, Moses Bushendich from Uganda, spoke of the honor he feels in being a GIT student. “It was with the Lord’s true blessing that I was admitted to GIT,” he said, adding: “I am grateful to everyone involved who has made this day happen.”